Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sugar Cane Prawns


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

"THE BEST" Pineapple Tarts

真的不愧是"THE BEST"黄梨饼的食谱,是从Nasi Lemak Lover家看到的。不太甜刚好配上黄梨馅的甜,入口即化非常好吃哦! 我老爸还说不可全部吃完,因为他要打包回家慢慢享受。哈哈哈。。。这食谱可做164粒的黄梨饼。

350g butter
100g condensed milk 
510g plain flour / all purpose flour
2 egg yolks

690g Pineapple filling (store-bought)

Butter和 condensed milk打至发白,加入egg yolk(一粒粒加)搅拌,加flour拌至不黏手的dough。用cookies mould挤出花形在小小纸杯里,再放1tsp(flat)的黃梨馅揉成小圆球。烤箱预热,bake150度 20分钟即可。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Tofu tangyong

豆腐汤圆有吃过吗? 在元宵节时,老妈说想试试煮咸汤圆吃,因为每次吃汤圆都是甜的,从来没试过咸的。这食谱很容易做(不必加水),好吃又QQ的! 不过,这豆腐汤圆一定要现做,现煮,现吃,而且豆腐一定要新鲜。不然做出来的汤圆会酸酸的,不好吃了!

咸汤圆的馅是猪肉碎+salt+pepper+sesame oil,拌匀即可(昨天元宵节我放入砂锅里)。今天做的是黑芝麻馅(甜的),好吃,不妨一试!

汤圆材料: (取自Mitong
50g 糯米粉
70g 嫩豆腐




I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi 
Lemak Lover 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


好快,新年就这么过了。大家有松了一口气的感觉吗? 我爸妈难得今年来Kuching(一个月)过华人新年(可怜我要带小的长途跋涉回家吧!),可是,可是。。再过几天他们要回自己家了! 今天是元宵节,只煮了简单的菜一起吃。有看到大大的"鱼丸"吗? 它不是鱼丸,是豆腐+糯米粉做的咸汤圆,中间是猪肉馅的,好吃哦! 食谱迟些才補上。


Kek Lapis Oreo

这layer cake的Oreo cookies最好放9pcs (3x3) or 16pcs (4x4),切时才会比较平均,好看。如果有小心看我的layer cake的话,就会发现oreo cookies 有3片,4片的,不平均。哈哈哈。。不要紧,好吃就好。但要烘1hr 45mins,食谱来自Welcome to RSR,我有做少许更改!

10 eggs
500g butter
200g castor sugar
300g condensed milk
100g  cheddar cheese  (optional)            (我没放)

50g horlicks
50g santan powder

100g marie biscuit  (pounded n sifted)
180g Hong Kong flour
Oreo cookies without cream
10g Cocoa powder + 2tbsp water, mix well 

  1. 先把horlick,santan serbuk,marie biscuit (powder)和HK flour拌匀,备用。
  2. 把butter和castor sugar打至乳白色,才加入eggs(一粒一粒慢慢加)打匀。
  3. 加入condensed milk拌打2 mins. 
  4. 最后才加入面粉类拌匀。
  5. 把mixture分一份是原味(五份),一份加cocoa powder(八份),所以全部是13份。
  6. 预热烤炉,7寸方盘刷上少许牛油,再放一张baking paper。
  7. 先倒入一份cocoa色,用上下火烤150度7mins。
  8. 然后拿出来,轻轻按平蛋糕表面,倒入一份原味,排上12pcs Oreo cookies,
  9. 用上火烤5mins。才再倒入一份原味烤5mins。
  10. 这样继续一份cocoa色,一份原味(排上12pcs Oreo cookies),
  11. 一份原味至烘烤完为止。(一共是13层)。蛋糕烤好后,要放凉后才切。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak       

Cranberry Cookies

好吃! 好吃! 香香酥酥的,是我喜欢的口感! 取自Helena's Kitchen家,有少许更改。

100g castor sugar 
200g butter
1 egg
360g plain flour
1/2 tbsp baking soda
3/4 cup dried rose petals (I used Pariya rose petals)          (我没放)
1 cup dried cranberry (chopped)
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp rose water (I used Pariya rose water) (if u r using essence, use just 1/2tsp, rose water has milder flavour than essence)                                  (我没放)

Butter和 castor sugar打至发白,加入egg搅拌,加flour和baking soda(一起先筛过)拌匀,再加入水,最后加入己切碎的dried cranberry拌匀成dough,放fridge休息20分钟。才把dough扞平,用自己喜欢的饼印,印好放在己铺上baking paper的烤盘里。烤箱预热,bake150度20分钟即可。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Black Sesame Seeds Cookies

看到xucaca-life家的cookies是用高筋面粉做的,就很好奇。这cookies的口感是入口即化,好像German potatoes cookies,真的很好吃(一定要做双倍料,才够吃!),但也容易碎! 食谱有少许更改。

100g butter

20g icing sugar
75g high protein flour, sifted

25g rice flour, sifted
2tbsp black sesame seeds powder

把butter和icing sugar打至发白,加入已筛过的高筋面粉和粘米粉拌匀。(不要过分搅拌,否则高筋面粉容易起筋性。)拿1/3的dough加入black sesame seeds powder 拌匀备用。用cookies mould拿一点plain dough和red dough才挤出花形,再放一小粒cranberry。(事先铺一张baking paper在tray里)。烤箱预热,bake150度 15分钟即可。

 I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

Chinese Blossom Cookie

看到Jane's Corner家做的cookies,好美好美,好有新年的feel。刚好还有少许potato flour,就做吧!

125g butter
50g icing sugar
1/2 tsp rose essence                  (我没加)
1 egg yolk
110g plain flour
100g corn flour
20g potato flour
dried cherry for garnishing       (我用dried cranberry,切小小块) 

把butter和icing sugar打至发白,加入egg yolk搅拌。全部粉类先筛过,才加入butter mixture中拌匀。拿1/3的dough加入一点点red food colouring备用。用cookies mould拿一点plain dough和red dough才挤出花形,再放一小粒cranberry。(事先铺一张baking paper在tray里)。烤箱预热,bake150度 15分钟即可。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Peach Konnyaku Jelly

好久没做甜点给小的吃,看到xucaca-life家 (有少许更改),又简单,又容易,就忍不住动手做了。有点QQ的口感,真的好吃!

1 pkt konnyaku jelly powder (10克)
100g sugar
1.3 liter water

1 canned peach slices in heavy syrup  (syrup 要保留,等下和water一起煮,所以sugar不须加太多)

  1. 先将konnyaku jelly powder 和sugar拌在一起。
  2. 把water 和 syrup (360g)倒入锅里,开火。把做法(1)的糖和jelly粉加入水里不停的搅拌至滚。
  3. 熄火了,再不停的搅拌1分钟。
  4. 把少许果冻液倒入容器里,再加入适量的peaches,再把果冻液填满。
  5. 待凉后,把果冻放入冰箱凝结后就可以享用了。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Friday, February 22, 2013

168 Kek Lapis Haw Flakes

为什么名168 kek lapis haw flakes? 好奇吗? 因为用了168pcs haw flakes 来做的。嘻嘻嘻。。。 食谱取自Welcome to RSR,有少许更改。

10 eggs
130g castor sugar
450g butter
1tsp ovalette
380g condensed milk
250g HK flour
100g Horlicks
168pcs haw flakes 

Food colouring: green and red

  1. 把butter,ovalette和sugar打至乳白色,才加入eggs(一粒一粒慢慢加)打匀。
  2. 加入condensed milk拌打2 mins.
  3. 最后才加flour 和 horlick 拌匀。
  4. 把mixture分三份,一份是原味,一份加青色,一份加红色。
  5. 每份再分五份,所以全部是十五份。
  6. 预热烤炉,7寸方盘刷上少许牛油,再放一张baking paper。先倒入一份红色,用上下火烤150度7mins。
  7. 然后拿出来,轻轻按平蛋糕表面,倒入一份青色,用上火烤5mins。才再倒入一份原味,排上42pcs haw flakes 烤7mins。
  8. 这样继续一份红色,一份青色,一份原味(加42pcs haw flakes)至烘烤完为止。(一共是十五层)。
  9. 最后一层原味不用放haw flakes,因切时会容易掉。蛋糕烤好后,要放凉后才切。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

排上42pcs haw flakes


Crunchy Cornflakes Cookies

这是其中一个我老爸喜欢的年饼,酥酥脆脆的,取自Min's Blog,有少许的更改!

110g  salted butter 
50g castor sugar
1 egg
150g plain flour
1/4tsp baking powder
1/8tsp baking soda
50g crushed cornflakes 
Extra crushed cornflakes for deco

把Butter和castor sugar打发,加入egg搅拌,筛入粉类和crushed cornflakes,混合一起, 形成一个软面团。 揉成小小圆形, 再裹上extra crushed cornflakes,预热烤箱, 烘150度 15分钟。  

 I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 
                                                          裹上extra crushed cornflakes

 before bake

                                                                     after bake

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Coconut Cookies

J的幼稚园新年大团拜要带些食物,决定了http://xucaca-life.blogspot.com/2013/01/crispy-coconut-biscuits.html的食谱,做小孩子喜欢的cartoon characters饼干。我自己看了好喜欢。因为是用印压出来的,所以这cookies的口感会比较扎实,不是脆的。

125g salted butter
100g icing sugar
1 egg
220g self raising flour        (我用plain flour + 1tsp baking powder)
75g desiccated coconut

Salted butter和icing sugar打至发白,加入egg搅拌,加flour拌匀,最后加入desiccated coconut拌匀成dough。把dough扞平,用自己喜欢的cartoon饼印,印好放在己铺上baking paper的烤盘里。烤箱预热,bake150度 15分钟至金黄色即可。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Kek Lapis Horlicks

这个layer cake是新年里其中一个蛋糕,容易做又好吃,只是。。。要花1个半钟头烘烤。食谱取自Welcome to RSR ,做了少许更改。
10 eggs
16oz butter
220g castor sugar                     (我只用180g)
240g HK flour
200g Horlicks
397g condensed milk                 (我用370g) 
作法:把Butter和castor sugar打至乳白色,才慢慢把eggs一粒一粒加入打匀。加入condensed milk拌打2 mins. 最后才加flour 和 horlick 拌匀,把mixture分成15份。预热烤炉,7寸方盘刷上少许牛油,再放一张baking paper。倒入一份mixture,用上下火烤150度7mins,烤至有点brown colour就可以。再倒入一份mixture,只用上火烤5mins。这样继续烘烤完为止。(一共是15层)。蛋糕烤好后,要放凉后才切。


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sago Cookies

这Cookies是Sarawak的melanau人,他们族里的一种传统食品,称为"tebaloi"。因为是用sago flour和coconut做的,所以很香很脆很好吃! 食谱来自Table for 2.... or more,我在材料方面做了些更改。

200gm grated coconut                                             ( I used 250g )
200gm sago flour                                                      ( I used 250g )
100gm sugar                  
50gm egg                                                                   ( I used 2 B sizes )
1/8 tsp turmeric powder (for colouring)                ( I used 3tbsp pandan juice )
Banana leaf for baking

1. Mix sugar with egg and lightly whisk.
2. Combine the coconut, sago flour and turmeric powder and mix evenly.
3. Pour the egg mixture into the dry ingredients and mix until a dough forms. If it feels too dry, use your hands and squeeze the dough, it will turn moist.
4. Preheat oven to 180C (no fan) and then lay a piece of banana leaf on an overturned baking tray. Matte side of the leaf facing up.
5. Spread some of the coconut dough onto the banana leaf, using fingers to press them really thin. As thin as you can. (Take note that I did 2 big trays of this)
6. Bake for 10 minutes.
7.Remove from oven and transfer to a cooling rack. Let it cool for 2-3 minutes. It will still be warm.
8. Then flip the tebaloi sheet, and peel the banana leaf off. Snip the tebaloi sheet into smaller squares.
9. Place the squares onto a baking grid and bake for 160C(fan) for 20-30 minutes or until lightly golden.
10. Place them onto the rack to cool off and it will crisp up.
11. Keep in air tight jars.


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover 

Prawn Rolls


1 cup Dried Shrimps    (浸泡,沥干,搅细)
¾ cup Finely Grated Coconut      (我用椰丝干)
4 tbsp Thick Chili Paste   (我用maggi brand)
½ tsp Turmeric Powder
1" Palm Sugar     (切碎)

6 Shallots*                                                   材料  * 要搅细备用。
1 clove Garlic*
1 cm Ginger*
2 Lemongrass*   (切成细丝,晒干,搅细)

春卷皮 50张


  1. 烧热锅加入油,先炒香chilli paste。这时加入已搅细的材料,至香,加入salt, palm sugar碎,turmeric powder,椰丝干,dried shrimps,用中小火炒至干香。注意火候,以免烧焦!   
  2. 春卷皮每张切成9方块。小方块铺少许馅料,卷成小条状,用蛋液封口。用150°c烘约30分钟,至酥脆。

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover