Saturday, October 27, 2012


好喜歡吃pizza,就和妹妹一起動手做了這脆脆如餅乾的皮。放上多多的mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese,就连我那不爱吃西餐的老爸和老妈都赞不绝口,好高兴!这食谱是取自澳洲品牌的Defiance White Baker's Flour.



4 cups (500g) flour
1 1/2 tsp salt 
8g instant dry yeast
1 1/2tsp olive oil
1cup (250ml) lukewarm water 

  1. Mix yeast and water in a small bowl until yeast has dissolved. Put aside for 10 minutes until foaming.
  2. Mix together flour and salt in a large bowl.
  3. Pour in the yeast mixture and the olive oil. Gradually mix the ingredients together using a wooden spoon.
  4. Lightly flour the work surface and knead the dough until soft and elastic (approx. 5 mins).
  5. Place dough in an oiled bowl and cover. Leave aside until the dough has doubled in size.
  6. This amount of dough is enough to make two pizzas. Cut the dough in two, and roll out in a circular shape to a thickness of approximately 5mm. Place the dough onto a pizza tray to help hold its shape.
  7. Leave the dough in a warm place for 15 minutes then lightly brush with olive oil. Add your favourite toppings for delicious pizza.
  8. Bake pizza at 200*C for approximately 15 minutes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

蒸的cream cheese layered cake


倒入cream cheese batter



食谱取自Masam Manis


250 gm cream cheese
60 gm castor sugar
1 egg  (A size)
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp flour

  • 把cream cheese和 castor sugar打匀,才加入egg,water,flour 全部拌匀,备用。


2 eggs (A size)
1 cup castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla
pint of salt
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup fresh milk
1/2 cup corn oil
1 cup flour*
3 tbsp cocoa powder*
1 tsp baking soda*
1/2 tsp baking powder*       (* 需要先过筛。)

  1. 把egg和castor sugar 打发至乳白色。加入vanilla,salt, hot water, fresh milk和corn oil打2分钟。
  2. 然后伴入已过筛的flour, cocoa powder, baking soda和baking powder伴匀。Cocoa 蛋糕糊分成两分。
  3. 加热蒸锅,8寸方盘刷上少许牛油,再放一张baking paper,把一分Cocoa 蛋糕糊倒入,中火蒸15-20分钟。(蒸时,要用aluminium foil盖在方盘上以防水滴到蛋糕里。)
  4. 蛋糕 蒸好后,倒入cheese糊,蒸15分钟。
  5. 把剩余的 一分Cocoa 蛋糕糊倒入,蒸20分钟。
  6. 要等完全凉了才切片。

Saturday, October 13, 2012



譜來自于NasiLemakLover, 我做了少許的更改。   
220g yam, small cubed (我放330g,因为我喜欢多多頭。)
250g rice flour
20g tapioca flour
450ml water(我放500ml。)
70g dried shrimps, soaked and chopped coarsely(我放100g。)
10 shallots, slices
1tsp salt or to taste
1tsp sugar
1/2tsp chicken stock powder
1/2tsp white pepper powder(我放1tsp。)
1. 把 rice flour, tapioca flour,water, salt ,sugar, chicken stock powder 和white pepper powder调匀成粉浆,备用。
2. 锅烧热,加入少许油把 shallots 炒至金黄色, 加入 dried shrimps炒香。
3. 这时加入yam 炒至外层有点金黄色 ,才慢慢拌入粉浆,不停的炒,炒至成浓状,不黏锅底即可熄火。
4.7寸方盘刷上少许牛油,倒入芋面糊大火蒸45 minutes.

Monday, October 8, 2012

New iPad

這次托了妹妹和妹夫的福,終於有了屬于自己的New iPad。而且這個blog也是他們一直在教我和幫我,不然我這個電腦白癡真的會是叫天,天不靈,叫地,地不靈了。所以要趁我還在Perth的時間把不會的東西都學會。(需要用筆記下每一個細節啦!笨!)希望他們不會嫌我囉嗦。在此謝謝他們了。

Saturday, October 6, 2012




600g 新鲜桑椹
120g sugar 
120g brown sugar
2tbsp lemon juice

  1. 把 新鲜桑椹,sugar,brown sugar全部放进锅里煮15mins, 加入lemon juice。
  2. 再煮30mins至浓稠,关火。放凉后,装进已烫过热水的瓶子里放冰箱。
  3. 最好在三星期以内吃完。