Thursday, May 30, 2013



喜欢自制红豆馅但又怕煮的过程,时间长又累对吗?我就是其中一个。这个冷冻法新鲜又新奇,所以决定一试。哗! 真的值得一试呀! 红豆可以冷冻至你想做时,才拿出来。因为有时你現在想做,但是后来有什么突发事情又不能做,又担心红豆放久了会出芽。。。。(很多很多藉口)用冷冻法就对了。


500g 红豆 + 200ml 水
1500ml 水
200g 花生油
200g 黄糖
150g 麥芽糖

1. 500g 紅豆,洗好沥干放在容器中倒入約200ml的水,让紅豆淹在水中。(建议用小容器)
2. 放Fridge冷冻,这样可以有效破坏坚硬的豆子体,縮短煮紅豆的時間。至少要冷冻12小时以上效果比较好。(我放了2天,因为忘记了):-P

3. 取出紅豆冰砖放入气鍋(作者用電鍋內鍋),再倒入1500ml的水份,煮10分钟后关火,让红豆焖20-30分钟至没有气喷出来为止。(用气鍋煮好后千万不可立刻开鍋,切忌!)
4. 开气鍋取出熟红豆(这时的红豆应该是每粒都"裂开嘴"了)沥干水份(水千万不要倒掉,加点糖就是红豆汤了。精华呀! 也可留着做面包用。)
5. 趁红豆还有点微热,压一压很容易成豆泥了。
6. 把气鍋洗干净,烧热(我用气鍋炒红豆,因为它厚底不容易焦底)放花生油和黄糖,大火炒到糖快要融化,熄火。
7. 把豆泥加入翻炒,用鏟子把結块的豆泥压散。
8. 加入麥芽糖,開大火不斷翻炒,动作要快,才不会焦底。直到感觉豆泥不黏鍋,即可熄火。(鍋鏟刮过時豆泥有离鍋的感觉,就可以熄火。我只用15分钟炒而已!)


花生油 + 黄糖


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


旁边一粒包子,像玫瑰花吗? 不像对吧,哈哈哈。。^_^    没办法,手艺不好!
食谱取自Cooking pleasure

350 gm pau flour sifted together with 1 tsp double action baking powder
Mix together - 200 ml lukewarm water, 40 gm caster sugar and 1/4 tsp vinegar   
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp shortening      (我用花籽油)

1.Combine all the ingredients [except shortening] in a mixing bowl.  Knead until soft [about 5-10 minutes].  Then add in the shortening, continue to knead until soft, smooth and elastic [very important step].  (提醒:水可慢慢加进面粉里,揉成面团,才加入花籽油。如果你一次把水加进面粉里,那在揉成面团时就需要少许手粉,才能把面团揉成不沾手。)
2.Shape into a ball and cover to rest for about 20-30 minutes or until double in size.
3.Punch down dough and remove dough to a floured surface, divide into 2 round balls.   Then divide each ball into 8 equal portions. Shape each into a ball, then roll into flat circle [the number depends on the capacity of your steamer, for mine I made 8 at a time].
4.Wrap filling with each flatten dough.  Gather the edges and shape into pleated paus or round balls.  Place on parchment or greased proof  paper in the steaming tray.
5.Leave to prove for 15 - 20 minutes.
6.Steam over high heat for 10 minutes in a steamer.  Off heat and leave paus for a further 3 minutes before uncovering to cool on rack. This is to prevent wrinkle, rough skin [sometimes  they may be a little wrinkle - probably because of proofing time but the texture is unaffected].

长豆切粒 80g,红萝卜粒 50g,包菜丝200g,猪肉碎100g,粉丝 50g(泡水,沥干),洋葱1粒,蒜头2瓣

酱青 1tbsp,糖 1tsp,麻油少许,盐少许,胡椒粉少许


Monday, May 27, 2013

蒸:黄番薯包(cream cheese 馅)

食谱取自Cooking Pleasure,少许更改。

350 gm pau flour sifted together with 1 tsp double action baking powder
Mix together - 180 ml lukewarm water, 40 gm caster sugar and 1/4 tsp vinegar **
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp shortening (我用canola oil)
100 gm mashed purple sweet potato (我用黄番薯)

  1. Combine all the ingredients [except shortening] in a mixing bowl.  Knead until soft [about 5-10 minutes].  Then add in the shortening, continue to knead until soft, smooth and elastic.  Add in sesame seeds and knead until well combined.  
  2. Shape into a ball and cover to rest for about 20-30 minutes or until double in size.
  3. Punch down dough and remove dough to a floured surface, divide into 2 round balls.   Then divide each ball into 8 equal portions. Shape each into a ball, then roll into flat circle.    
  4. Wrap filling with each flatten dough.  Gather the edges and shape into pleated paus or round balls.  Place on parchment or greased proof  paper in the steaming tray.  
  5. Leave to prove for 15 - 20 minutes or until double in size.   
  6. Steam over high heat for 10-12 minutes in a steamer.  Off heat and leave paus for a further 3 minutes before uncovering to cool on rack. This is to prevent wrinkle, rough skin [sometimes  they may be a little wrinkle - probably because of proofing time but the texture is unaffected].   

Filling: (食谱取自vivian pang kitchen
~cream cheese filling 
30g butter
40g icing sugar

100g cream cheese
1 egg yolk

10g cornflour

Cream butter and icing sugar till combine (hand whisk will do). Add in cream cheese and yolk. Make sure well combine before adding the next ingredient. Lastly add in cornflour and fold to combine. Keep chill until little firm to touch. 

* it is a lot easy to handle and wrap with chilled cheese filling. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homemade Pizza Dough

Adapted from Crunchy Creamy Sweet,有 step by step 的图看哦!

(A) 1 1/2 cup warm water + 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar + 1 1/2 teaspoon yeast 
3 cups of flour
pinch of salt
1 tsp oil

Combine (A) in a large bowl. Stir gently to help the yeast to dissolve. Let it sit for about 10 minutes until you see bubbles forming on the surface. Add flour to your yeast mixture.  Sprinkle the salt over your dough and add the oil. Stir until the dough forms and separates from the sides of the bowl.  Let rise until it doubles in size. Turn your dough back onto the flour surface, flatten down. Use your rolling pin to get it as thin as you can. With one hand pushing the dough towards the edge of your pan and over and the other hand flattens it so it will stay in place. Letting it proof for 5 mins, pull it out and then add your toppings. Top with your favorite toppings and bake 15 – 18 minutes.

Friday, May 17, 2013



 材料:200g 红葱头 ,50g 蒜头 + 1kg 食油






Wednesday, May 15, 2013



食谱取自 cooking pleasure

350 gm plain flour + 1 tsp double action baking powder (sifted)
Mix together - 200 ml lukewarm water, 40 gm caster sugar and 1/4 tsp vinegar
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp shortening              (I used butter)

  1. Combine all the ingredients [except shortening] in a mixing bowl.  Knead until soft [about 5-10 minutes].  Then add in the shortening, continue to knead until soft, smooth and elastic.
  2. Shape into a ball and cover to rest for about 20-30 minutes or until double in size.
  3. Punch down dough and remove dough to a floured surface, shape into 2 round ball.  Press each ball flat, then divide into 8 equal portions. Shape each into a ball, then roll into flat circle.  Do the same for the other piece.
  4. Wrap each piece with about a tablespoon of filling.  Bring the edges together into a round or pleated pau shape.
  5. Place on parchment or greased proof  paper in the steaming tray.   Leave to prove for 15 - 20 minutes.
  6. Steam over high heat for 12 minutes in bamboo or electric steamer.  Off heat and leave paus for a further 3 minutes before uncovering to cool on rack. This is to prevent wrinkle, rough skin.
  7. Serve immediately or steam for about 10 minutes when serving.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


我个人比较喜欢菜包多过肉包,一次可吃2,3粒才够。这食谱可做10粒包子(手掌大),放多多馅真好吃! 只要早一天把馅炒好,第2天做包子皮,发酵,包馅,再发酵,在2个钟头里就有热腾腾的包子吃了。哈哈。。

食谱取自Cooking Pleasure

350 gm pau flour sifted together with 1 tsp double action baking powder
Mix together - 200 ml lukewarm water, 40 gm caster sugar and 1/4 tsp vinegar   
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp shortening      (我用花籽油)

1.Combine all the ingredients [except shortening] in a mixing bowl.  Knead until soft [about 5-10 minutes].  Then add in the shortening, continue to knead until soft, smooth and elastic [very important step].  (提醒:水可慢慢加进面粉里,揉成面团,才加入花籽油。如果你一次把水加进面粉里,那在揉成面团时就需要少许手粉,才能把面团揉成不沾手。)
2.Shape into a ball and cover to rest for about 20-30 minutes or until double in size.
3.Punch down dough and remove dough to a floured surface, divide into 2 round balls.   Then divide each ball into 8 equal portions. Shape each into a ball, then roll into flat circle [the number depends on the capacity of your steamer, for mine I made 8 at a time].
4.Wrap filling with each flatten dough.  Gather the edges and shape into pleated paus or round balls.  Place on parchment or greased proof  paper in the steaming tray.
5.Leave to prove for 15 - 20 minutes.
6.Steam over high heat for 10 minutes in a steamer.  Off heat and leave paus for a further 3 minutes before uncovering to cool on rack. This is to prevent wrinkle, rough skin [sometimes  they may be a little wrinkle - probably because of proofing time but the texture is unaffected].

长豆切粒 300g,红萝卜粒 50g,地瓜丝 50g,hotdog切粒 2条,洋葱1粒,蒜头2瓣

酱青 1tbsp,糖 1tsp,麻油少许,盐少许,胡椒粉少许



Monday, May 13, 2013



这食谱是外婆传给我老妈的。在我做月子时,老妈就亲手釀红酒给我进補,所以我就顺便偷师了。因为这红酒都是自己食用,所以都是放至3个月才过滤。外面卖的红酒多数只放一个月而己。红酒过滤后剩下的是红糟,可以用来煮红糟鸡,红糟烤三层肉,腌红糟菜。。 用途很多,每次我都把红糟冷冻起来,要用时拿出来解冻即可!

1kg 糯米
150g 紅麴      (也叫红曲米)
2粒 酒饼        (30g)
2.5cup 开水,另外备用       (一定要煮沸的水,放凉后才用)
3tbsp 白糖    (3天后才用)

1) 糯米洗一下,加水浸泡一夜(我每次是把米放进饭锅里洗,沥干,才把水倒至8的水线)。
2) 罐子和蓋子要洗干净,放到大太阳底下晒(是我自己消毒的方法)。
3) 第二天蒸糯米。先将水煮沸,把(1)放在大的baking tray里,蓋好,用中火蒸40分鐘到1小時至熟透。(糯米饭会是绵绵烂烂的)。
4) 蒸好后用筷子搅拌,让糯米饭散热到完全冷卻。 (每次是放凉后,就收进fridge里到第二天才做)。
5) 把紅麴和酒饼blend成粉状,拌入糯米饭里。才把另外备用的2.5杯开水慢慢加入至全部拌勻。(为什么还要加水呢? 因为在拌入红麴酒饼粉状时,会很难拌匀。所以让手沾点水和加水在糯米饭里,就不那么难拌了。)
6) 把拌好的糯米饭放入玻璃罐里,蓋紧,放在陰涼外3个月。(3个月,有错吗? 没有啦! 因为是自己吃的,所以放久一点,酒味就越浓)。 
7) 放到第3天,用干净的勺子(不可以有油)搅动一下,加入白糖拌匀,蓋好。
8) 第四天或者第五天,水会慢慢出现,所以最好每天搅动一次至糯米饭沉下。不然糯米饭没浸泡在水中会发霉。
9) 继续放三个月。



Thursday, May 9, 2013


好像在点心楼吃过的萝卜糕一样好吃! 赞! 在煎时,我有沾上少许沾米粉,一方面让萝卜糕会比较香酥,另一方面是比较容易煎。


350g 白萝卜刨丝
30g 红萝卜丝          (自己加的)
250g 粘米粉
30g 木薯粉
30g 澄粉
20g 虾米                    (我放50g)
800ml 水(分成两部分)
1tbsp 蒜末
1tbsp 葱头碎

2tsp 盐
1tbsp 糖
2tsp 酱青
1tsp 胡椒粉
数滴 麻油



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sarawak 特产:本地薏米(barley)

薏米,有的人煮成糖水,有的人煮粥时会加入一小把薏米,有的人煮糙米饭时也喜欢加点薏米。看个人的喜好! 在古晉,当本地米出现时,就会看见薏米的踪影了,它会比较碎而有点偏黄。由于少量生产,所以价钱会比荷兰进口的薏米贵。(本地薏米 Rm8,荷兰薏米 Rm3.80,per kg)。

Left 是荷兰薏米,Right 是本地薏米


Sarawak 特产:不同的本地米

这些都是古晋出产的本地米,有黑的,红的,紫的,水红的,浅黄的,白的。。新鲜的本地米会有pandan叶的香味哦! 你一定会奇怪,为什么我会有这么多不同颜色的米。有的是我自己买的,家婆给的,也有人送的。所以呀! 单单这些米,少说也有20kgs,会吃上半年,或者更久。我自己储存的方法是,放些辣椒干或者蒜头,再放一张塑胶袋,蓋紧放在干燥的地方。
要怎么煮这种本地米呢? 我是一半泰国香米,掺入一半本地米,適量的水,放进rice cooker里煮熟就可以了。我试过用rice cooker煮本地米(没加香米),就会黏锅底,煮好的饭是粘稠的,有点像糯米饭。


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


因为懒惰,所以馅只放cheese和午餐肉。才整成"猪八戒"形! 没想到小瓜会欣赏,^_^。

食谱取自Qi Qi in the house

40g 热水*(温度要在98度以上)
40g 高粉
5g 糖

200g 高粉
20g 细糖
40g 全蛋
75g 牛奶
45g 烫种
3g 即溶酵母(1/2tsp+1/4tsp)
20g 奶油

1. 烫种材料中的高粉、糖,置入盆中,再将热水倒入拌匀。盖上保鲜膜,待凉,冷藏1-2小时后使用。
2. 以直接法制作出面团。基本发酵约45分钟,分成约100g-4份。滚圆后覆盖上保鲜膜松弛10分钟。
3. 杆开长方形,放上馅料卷起。切割成2份,再把面团排放入已涂油的模具里。
4.  进行最后发酵约45分钟,涂上蛋液。放入烤箱最底层,下火160度~15分钟;转上下火3分钟。(温度视个人烤箱调整)